Monday, September 21, 2020

Immunity Booster Herbs & traditions

Health is a state of physical and mental wellbeing .So to keep our body healthy we should  be mentally and physically fit.Immunity cannot be built up in a day, but eating a well-balanced diet and being physically and mentally healthy is usually enough to strengthen immune system.
In COVID pandemic; mentally as well as physically fitness important. 
Even after this pandemic, we should be fit.
In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, there’s been a lot of interest in ways to strengthen one’s immune system, and thus build a first line of defence against the deadly corona virus.
There are many natural ingredients know to help boost your immunity. Since ancient times, herbs and spices were well known for their medicinal properties, with over 80 spices grown in different parts of the world, particularly in Asia. According to the World Health Organisation, around 80% of the world’s population uses herbal medicines for primary health care, particularly across Europe and South Asia. Many of these herbs not only have anti-inflammatory properties, they also help build up the body’s natural immunity.Most of these herbs and spices are relatively safe.
India is home to several spices that are used extensively in traditional medicine.

There is no single food that is a magic pill for a healthy body. 

Apart from including these herbs and spices in your diet, you must exercise both your body and your mind regularly, make necessary lifestyle changes, and practice gratitude.

Our traditional food intakes are based on judicious use of tulsi (basil) and pudina (Mint) leaves, turmeric, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, cumin, coriander and other Ayurvedic herbs and spices which boost the body’s immune system to fight a disease. 

Here’s a list of herbs and spices that can help improve immunity:
Holy Basil=Tulsi
The leaves of this easily available; the herb has enormous health benefits and prevents from all diseases,acts as antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti inflammatory, anti allergic, antiviral, anti-disease and treats almost 200 diseases,reduces stress and plasma glucose levels.

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is well known for its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and anti-cancer properties.
 In traditional medicine, ginger has been extensively used for curing colds and coughs, nausea, asthma, travel sickness, morning sickness, arthritis, gastrointestinal complaints and even depression. Consume it as ginger tea, which involves crushing ginger and boiling it with tea leaves and water. Powdered ginger mixed with pulverized cloves, cardamom and caraway has been used for digestive ailments.since ancient times.

Turmeric :Haldi 
Turmeric contains a bioactive compound known as curcumin, which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Turmeric powder containing milk known as golden milk which is very much useful. 

 It can also be consumed as a decoction (kadha) made from grated ginger, tulsi and turmeric  daily to improve immunity as recommended by AYUSH.

It acts as a natural anti-oxidant and strengthens immune system.

It is not only used as an herb (dried or fresh leaves), spice(seeds), vegetable (fresh leaves) but also as a condiment in artificial flavoring of maple syrup or in the production of steroids.  Fenugreek seeds  are rich in vitamin E. 
Dried leaves of fenugreek are used for flavoring vegetable dishes, fish and meat. Herbal tea made with fenugreek, honey and lemon is a traditional remedy to treat fever. 
Sprouted seeds of fenugreek and microgreens are used in salads, while fenugreek fiber can be used to cure constipation.
It has potent anti-oxidant properties, 
It helps in reducing stress and high blood pressure.
It also helps to enhance thiamine (vitamin B1) absorption in the body and prevents beriberi.
It is always best to chop or crush garlic before consuming it,because it works better when in contact with oxygen. 

Eating organically-grown fresh vegetables and fruits is another practice for keeping a good health. 

Consumption of some specific food items such as Til (sesame seeds), in the form of Tilkoot or Gajak or otherwise, particularly during the winter season and also the use of gur or jaggery as a sweetener are associated with important health benefits.
The practice of putting Neem bark in an earthen pot with water and drinking that water for a few days in the month of Chaitra strengthens immunity. 

Drinking water stored overnight in a Tamba (copper) pot is beneficial in maintaining good digestion. 

Eating food on  fresh banana leaves is also a healthy tradition. 
The use of soiled pots (मातीचे भांडे) is highly advantageous. 
The practice of eating food after washing hands and legs and without sharing the cutlery provides health benefits.
 Equally important is the regular practice of Yogasanas which keeps us fit and cheerful. 
Our rich heritage of classical music has therapeutic effects and brings much-needed mental peace.

Copyright @crazycervix 


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