Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cocculus Hirsutus And Coronavirus disease

Cocculus Hirsutus Plant extract useful in developing Antiviral covid 19 drug ;it true?

Yes ,its true.In India ,there is research going on and also  trial on antiviral covid 19 drug from Cocculus Hirsutus Plant.

So to understand or know better why Plant is used for developing such a wonderful product or drug ,detailed information collected on this plant .

A plant extract useful in corona virus disease.
In Marathi it is called as "वासनवेल "
 Classical name - (cocculus hirsutus) "cocculus_hirsutus"
In Hindi, it is also called "Jaljamani" or "Pattharchatta".  In many ways the plant can be identified.
The plant grows in most parts of the country during the rainy season.  In some places it is available perennially.

*Interesting Facts of Plant 
The leaves were dried, powdered and put in a pot, mixed with water and covered. It was opened after two hours. The alchemy of this plant is to bring it so tight that it has to be cut with a knife.  Vasanveli is powerful, if you put its juice in water, the water will thicken like curd in a short time.

 Useful for various ailments:
•The leaves and roots of this plant have medicinal properties.
•It is a plant that provides masculinity to the impotents.
•It is having  antiviral, antidiabetic,analgesic, spermatogenic activities
•Trypsin inhibiting properties in this plant extract.
•Broad spectrum antiviral properties. 
•The plant is traditionally used to treat various ailments such as headaches, conjunctivitis, toothache, abdominal pain, diarrhea and skin diseases.

• The country's first phyto-pharmaceutical drug, AQCH, may soon be available for the treatment of corona infections.

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• Infertility and Cocculus hirsutus
Goats, goats and sheep consume this plant more offensively and produce many offspring.  Friends, if Vasanveli ark is consumed regularly with granulated sugar and black pepper, sperm cells or sperm counts will increase rapidly and the treated successfully Impotents because of its spermatogenic activities.
•It is useful in leukorhea in women.  
•Digestive ailments Relief:
Complaints of digestion of food in the body are eliminated by its consumption.  

An Ecological Indicator: Vasanvel

Vasanvel acts as an ecological indicator of the water level in the soil. Any plant needs water to survive.  This vel is green when there is no water anywhere in summer. Seeing this, many Panadis predict water borewells or wells near this plant.

Vasanvel and Sahadeva Bhadli:
 There is a lot of writing on this plant in the Sahadeva Bhadali text in the Puranas, but now that the groundwater level has dropped, these predictions are often proved to be false.  While digging the well while researching the groundwater, the predictions of specific rocks and water came true.
 •AQCH drug and Corona virus disease
The drug 'AQCH', developed for the treatment of dengue, has been found to be effective in a number of viral infections, including the corona virus .Vasanvel extract has been shown in the laboratory to reduce the risk of infection with various viruses including dengue and corona.

The drug has been developed from the plant 'Vasanvel' through the joint efforts of the Central Government's Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Scientific and Industrial Development Council (CSIR) and Sun Pharmaceuticals .Due to its antiviral properties, the drug 'AQCH' made by Sunpharma.
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The first phase of AQCH tests (involving human safety and small animals) have been successfully passed, and the second phase of the drug has been underway on patients with Covid 19 since June.Analysis of Test results are expected in October.  If the results of the second phase tests are promising, the drug may be readily available to Corona patients as a matter of urgency. Otherwise, a third phase of testing may begin to adequately for  modification and testing drugs.
AQCH DRUG if shown to be effective for corona patients, then it will be readily available for everyone. Developing and trial on antiviral covid 19 drug from Cocculus Hirsutus Plant in India .

Its Antiviral Vasanvel 


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